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The Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Learning Platform

Both the MENARAH network and the EMR-SDGs Learning Platform are two initiatives that are joining forces to capitalize on each other strength, expand the content of their respective contributions, as well as reach a wider audience. 

The EMR-SDGs Learning Platform is a knowledge sharing and networking hub that aims at supporting the achievement of health-related SDGs in the Arab states and the East Mediterranean Region through facilitating knowledge dissemination, building effective partnerships, and sharing experiences.

Topical interests include health-centred issues such as universal health coverage, communicable and non-communicable diseases, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and mental health. These topics are addressed from a wider social perspective with a special focus on promoting health equity and addressing vulnerability.

The MENARAH focus on healthy ageing covers an important life cycle phase and a large group of people that have not received its fair share of research and policy attention. The social perspective and equity lens of SDG platform are quite relevant to the healthy ageing focus on MENARAH. 

Both Menarah and SDG platform will work together to complement and reinforce each other’s work and activities.  The SDG Platform has launched its own virtual platform and is keen to draw and build on the knowledge provided through the work of the MENARAH network.

Director of Social Research Centre, American University in Cairo, Egypt

Hoda Rashad is a professor and director of the Social Research Center of The American University in Cairo. She holds a doctorate in population studies from the University of London, 1977. Previously, she worked as chief technical advisor of the United Nations, an associate of the International Population Council and a faculty member at the Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo University. She served as a member of two commissions established by WHO (Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity and the Commission on Social Determinants of Health).

She served as a member of the Egyptian Senate (Shura Council, 2004-2011), member of the Social, Humanity and Population Science Council, the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (2009-2012), member of the National Council for Women (2000-2010). Professor Rashad is currently a member of the WHO EMRO Commission on Social Determinants of Health.
