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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Yesterday, the 15th of June 2021, marked World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Older people risk facing more abuse since the outbreak of COVID-19, including domestic violence and the neglect of basic needs.

To mark the day, MENARAH’s partner Help Age International launching a new report titled  “Bearing the brunt: The impact of COVID-19 on older people”. 

During the pandemic, older people have been isolated, portrayed as weak and helpless, and their rights have been ignored. This has taken a toll on their health and wellbeing, and older people now risk facing more abuse than before COVID-19.

Executive summary available in EnglishArabicRussian and Spanish. Two regional reports for Africa and the Middle East.

Download the Africa regional report in English, and the executive summary in English and French.

Download the Europe and Middle East regional report in English, and the executive summary in EnglishArabic and Russian

Read the Full Report


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Founder and Director
Shereen Husseinis a Health and Social Care Policy professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), United Kingdom.
Shereen Founded the MENARAH Network in 2019, through an initial grant from the Global Challenge Research Fund, UKRI. She is a medical demographer with expertise in ageing, family dynamics, migration and long-term care systems. Shereen regularly collaborates with the United Nations, the World Health Organisation and the World Bank in policy and research focused on ageing in the Middle East and North Africa Region.
Shereen received her undergraduate degree in statistics and a postgraduate degree in computer science at Cairo University. She completed an MSc in medical demography at the London School of Hygiene and a PhD in quantitative demography and population studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom.
