Day 1: 29 April 2024: Understanding the Landscape

Session 1: Welcome Notes

Professor Lotfi Gaafar, Dean of the School of Science and Engineering and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies of the School of Sciences and Engineering. He graduated in 1982 from Ain Shams University from the mechanical engineering department. He earned his MSc in 1989 from Arizona State University and his PhD in 1992 from Arizona State University.

Professor Gaafar, Welcome to the AUC, Day 1

Prof Dr José Ricardo Jauregui, President, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics  A geriatrician, researcher, and professor at Buenos Aires University and La Matanza University. He has published over 70 papers and authored nine books. Former president of Argentinean and Latin American Societies of Gerontology, he serves on international boards and is CEO of a Buenos Aires nursing home.

Professor Jauregui, Welcome to the Joint Symposium. Day 1

Ageing Demographics and the Long-Term Care Eco-System

Prof Shereen Hussein, MENARAH Network and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, is an international expert and collaborator with global organizations, including the World Health Organization, UNICEF, UNESCWA, and the World Bank. A formal advisor to the UK Parliament Health and Social Care Committee and the WHO TAG on the Commission for Social Connections.

Professor Hussein, Ageing Populations as a Mega Trend in the Region and the MENARAH’s Network efforts, Day 1.

Prof Norah Keating, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, a social gerontologist, focuses on family care and ageing contexts. She holds academic appointments in Canada, the UK, and South Africa, and directs Global Social Initiatives on Ageing. A Fellow of multiple academies, she received the 2017 IAGG Presidential Award for her international work.

Professor Keating, The global importance of unpaid carers in sustaining the care ecosystem, Day 1.

Session 2: The MENA Region Policy Landscape

Dr Tarek Nabulsi, League of Arab States. Counsellor Director of the development and social policies department and technical secretariat of the Arab Social Ministerial Council; responsible for the follow-up and coordination unit cabinet of the Assistant Secretary General for social affairs League of Arab States.

Dr Nabulsi, Ageing and Long-term Care Policy Landscape in the Arab region, Day 1.

Dr Samer El Feky, World Health Organization, EMRO WHO Regional Adviser for Health Promotion & Social Determinants of Health, holds qualifications from the University of Liverpool and Johns Hopkins University. She has extensive experience in promoting health and wellbeing, healthy ageing, and integrating Health in All Policies. She developed the Regional Framework for Integrated Care for Older People.

Dr El Feky, Developing a global Long Term Care Service Package, Day 1.

Dr Sara Salman, United Nations, ESCWA, a public policy specialist, focuses on ageing, migration, and governance in the Arab region. With extensive experience in institutional strengthening and managing international projects, she has worked with organizations like the World Bank and UNDP. She leads UNESCWA’s work on ageing and migration and holds a PhD from American University.

Dr Salman, Overview of ageing transitions, the care ecosystem and the rising need to develop an equitable LTC markets, Day 1.

Gustavo Demarco, The World Bank, Washington D.C. Lead Economist and Global Pensions Lead at the World Bank, heads Saudi Arabia’s pension reform efforts. He has extensive experience in pensions, social protection, and labour in the Middle East and North Africa. Previously, he was Director of Operations at Argentina’s Pension Supervision Authority.

Montserrat Pallares-Miralles, The World Bank, Washington D.C. A Senior Economist at the World Bank, with over 30 years’ experience in economics, education, and social research, particularly in social insurance, pensions, and population ageing. She has provided capacity building and policy analysis in over 80 countries, focusing on Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia.

Demarco and Pallares-Miralles, The World Bank efforts in developing an ageing agenda in the MENA region, Day 1.

Session 3: International Learning

Professor Hussein, How Policy Can Develop a Well-Trained Cadre of Long-Term Care Workers: International Learning from the English Social Care Workforce Reforms 2023, Day 1.

Mansur Dalal, Association of Senior Living India (ASLI), an architect and consultant, is Chairman of CommonAge and Founder of ASLI, India’s senior care association. He chaired India’s Expert Committee on Senior Living Standards and is a board director of Global Ageing Network. He has spoken at over 23 international conferences and advises on senior care standards in Asia and Africa.

Mr Dalal, Cross-culture learning: Formulating Standards for Senior Living and Care Industry of India, Day 1.

Session 4: Regional Experiences

Professor Sonia Hammami, University of Monastir, Dr Hammami trained in epidemiology and medical statistics at the University of Bordeaux, obtained a diploma in internal medicine, and trained at Pitié Salpetrière Hospital in Paris. She completed intensive geriatric training in Tunisia and Belgium, earning a DESS in Geriatrics & Gerontology.

Professor Hammami, Ageing and Long-Term Care in Tunisia, Day 1.