Angelo Mori

National Research Council, Rome, Italy
Angelo Rossi Mori is an associated researcher at Institute for Population and Social Policies (IRPPS) of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), the body in charge of applied and basic research according to the policies of the Italian government. His research is focused on methodologies about design principles and evaluation of technology-enhanced health policies at National or Regional levels, to support a disruptive innovation of the health sectors.
His research experience concerns the Integration of Social and Health Care, Chronic Disease Management, Value-based Care, eHealth Roadmaps, Personal Health Records, the semantics of clinical terminologies, in collaboration with the two Federations of Local and Hospital Health Authorities (FIASO and Federsanità ANCI) and the Italian “Home and Digital Care” Association of manufacturing and service companies.
He assisted the Health Regional Authorities of Sicilia, Campania, Calabria on a sustainable approach to eHealth and modern telemedicine and is the coordinator of the Area for models in the Action Group B3 on “Integrated Care” of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPonAHA). He has participated in several EU Projects (including GALEN, KAVAS, IREP, C-CARE, PROREC, EHR-Q-TN, eHealth ERA, RIDE, ANCIEN, STOPandGO); he helped to create CEN/TC251 and ISO/TC215 on standards for health informatics; in HL7 he was a member of the Technical Steering Committee and the chair of Templates SIG.